Bilateral relations' reference between Mongolia and Japan since 1972




Political relations


Mongolia and Japan have been developing Comprehensive partnerships since 1996, Strategic partnership relations since 2010, and Special Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity since December 2022


In recent years, the Strategic Partnership between Mongolia and Japan deepened and political trust strengthened. Regarding visit frequency, President of Mongolia U. Khurelsukh  paid a state visit to Japan in December 2022, Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene attended the State Funeral of former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe on September 2022. Japanese Foreign Ministers officially visited Mongolia in 2019, 2020, and 2022 consecutively.


Last year we marked the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan. Within the framework of the anniversary, the President of Mongolia has paid a state visit to Japan after 12 years.  During the visit, the two sides reviewed  50 years of cooperation between Mongolia and Japan since the establishment of diplomatic relations and exchanged views on future goals and prospects, as well as on cooperation in international and regional arenas. Moreover, the sides agreed to foster human-centered relations and cooperation based on the common values of democracy, freedom, human rights, and a market economy while stepping up collaborative efforts to address the international community’s challenges. Therefore, the two sides renewed the Medium-term Program of the Mongolia-Japan Strategic Partnership, which has been a roadmap for the relations and cooperation between the two countries, and established the 10-year Action Program of the "Special Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity" between Mongolia and Japan with aims to deepen cooperation in politics, trade, investment, human-centered development, and mutual exchange of citizens.


Foreign policy-related


Bilateral political dialogues, Policy Meeting 3+3 /foreign policy, security policy and defense/ and Strategic consultative meetings of the Foreign Ministries, have been regularly taking place and the latest Strategic consultative meeting was held on October 2022 in Tokyo. At the same time, an inter-parliamentary tie has been rapidly expanding and both sides implemented mutual visits of the parliamentary friendship group leaders.


The Mongolia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) entered into force in June, 2016, and was signed on February 2015. The agreement is expected to give its benefit soon. We see that foreign trade turnover and direct investment from Japan will increase.


The Government of Japan is keep implementing Official assistance development to Mongolia. In the framework of the ODA new Ulaanbaatar international airport has become operational in 2021. The Government of Japan is showing special support for human resource development in Mongolia. According to the bilateral agreement between Mongolia and Japan, Mongolia will send 1000 students to Japan in order to pursue degrees in engineering and other technology-related fields. The Japanese side has expressed support for diversifying Mongolia’s economic structure and to further developing the agricultural sector. The two sides are working closely together to further develop cooperation in the coal sector and exchange views on introducing Japanese high technology to Mongolia.


Security and defense relations


In recent times, cooperation between the two countries had been actively engaged, concrete with results, and mutual understanding, trusted dialogue, and cooperation on regional security and strategic characteristics had been strengthened. Recently, Japan's Self-Defense Forces have been instrumental in international field rehearsals organized in Mongolia. Recent times, cooperation between the two countries had been actively engaged, concrete results, and mutual understanding, trusted dialogue, and cooperation on regional security and strategic characteristics have been strengthened.


Name: "Capacity Building Program" Military hospital-HA/DR military medicine engineering military - PKO civil engineering "King Search 2022" International Field Training - The Multinational Peacekeeping Exercise "Khaan Quest" Recently, the defense sector relations between the two countries have been active and cooperation has been carried out and certain results have been achieved, and mutual understanding, trustful dialogue and cooperation on issues of regional security and strategic nature have been strengthened.



The Government of Japan and the Ministry of Defense of Mongolia are implementing the "Capacity Building Program" in two areas in order to provide training and practice for the personnel of the Armed Forces of Mongolia who will take part in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. It includes: One. Within the framework of the Military Hospital's "Chadwick Improvement Program," doctors and specialists from our Armed Forces Military Hospital are introducing Japan's OECD Central Hospital and Health School conduct a joint drill to provide medical assistance assistance during the disaster.



Two. The program "Improving the Capacity of the Mongolian Armed Forces Engineering" has been developed by the Japanese BHU to train professional engineering officers and elders in road construction, train teachers, increase knowledge and skills, and exchange experiences, and provide 12 training and training courses since 2014. The training included measuring Mongolian military personnel, building roads, dams, bridges in the country, and evaluating the land in appropriate ways. The above-mentioned training components are playing a key role in the nation's construction work, which is part of the results of the "Road" training. In recent times, Japan's Self-Defense Forces have been instrumental in international field rehearsals organized in Mongolia. Name: "Capacity Building Program" Military hospital-HA/DR military medicine engineering military - PKO civil engineering "King Search 2022" International Field Training - The Multinational Peacekeeping Exercise "Khaan Quest" 





The Mongolia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) entered into force in June, 2016, and was signed on February 2015. The agreement is expected to give its benefit soon. We see that foreign trade turnover and direct investment from Japan will increase.


The Government of Japan is keep implementing Official assistance development to Mongolia. In the framework of the ODA new Ulaanbaatar international airport has become operational in 2021. The Government of Japan is showing special support for human resource development in Mongolia. According to the bilateral agreement between Mongolia and Japan, Mongolia will send 1000 students to Japan in order to pursue degrees in engineering and other technology-related fields. The Japanese side has expressed support for diversifying Mongolia’s economic structure and to further developing the agricultural sector. The two sides are working closely together to further develop cooperation in the coal sector and exchange views on introducing Japanese high technology to Mongolia.


           Official development assistance


General information


Japan has been providing aid to Mongolia since the 1990s, which has strengthened Mongolia's current development base. The projects and programs implemented with grants and concessional loans from the Government of Japan have essentially contributed to solving large-scale problems. They aim to strengthen Mongolia's market economy system, form economic infrastructure and fundamental bases, solve various social issues, ensure human security and develop human resources.


The Government of Japan started including Mongolia in Official Development Assistance since 1991. Consequently, 120.4 billion yen in grants, 55.7 billion yen in technical cooperation, 182.4 billion yen in concessional loans, and a total of more than 358.5 billion yen (over 3.3 billion US dollars) in loans and assistance have been provided to our country as of 2022.


Since 1997, both country governments have agreed on the priorities for development assistance to Mongolia. The Japanese side has provided loans and aid under a special program since 2004.


We cooperated with the following priorities in line with the "Mongolia Sustainable Development Vision-2030" document within the framework of the ODA in 2017-2021:


  1. Strengthening the proper functioning of macroeconomics and governance:
  • To improve public financial management
  • To promote an intensive market economy
  1. Ensuring balanced economic growth in harmony with the environment:
  • To promote industrial diversification and strengthen regional development strategies
  • To create high-quality infrastructure to support the development
  • To develop a safe and environmentally friendly city
  1. Creating an accessible society:
  • To achieve a standard health care that meets the society demand
  • To enhance the quality of essential social services
  • To improve the social participation of people with disabilities


  1. About projects implemented within the framework of development cooperation


In total, 5 projects, 3 grants, 2 non-project grants, 25 technical cooperation projects, Grassroots projects and food security grant programs are currently being implemented with concessional loans from the Government of Japan.





  1. New international airport construction project (2009-2021)
  2. Higher Engineering Education Development Project (2014-2023)
  3. Fiscal, Social and Economic reform development policy loan (2017-2020)
  4. Export credit line opening project (2013-2021)
  5. COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support Loan (2020-2021)




The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship

  1. Mongolia- Japan Teaching Hospital construction project (2016-2021)
  2. The project for Improvement of Primary and Secondary Education Facilities (2017-2020)


Non-project grants


Non-project grants are one of the development cooperation forms. The Government of Japan has provided a total of 22 regional project grants of 21.3 billion yen (approximately 195.0 million US dollars) to the Government of Mongolia to support the balance of payments and supplied essential goods, products and equipment to health, education, social protection and environmental sectors since 1990.


The Government of Japan decided to provide 200 million yen in aid to Mongolia in the 2018 fiscal year, and the parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of  Mongolia. The Government of Japan on "Grants to Support Economic and Social Development" dated March 12, 2019. The grant implementation agent agreement was signed between the Ministry of Finance and the Japanese implementing organization, the Japan International Cooperation System (JICS), on June 10 of the same year. The non-grant projects fund will be used in the environment sector. The MET has submitted a proposal to the Japanese side to supply vehicles and equipment to the specially protected area administrations.


Later, The Government of Japan decided to provide an "Economic and Social Development Support Grant" of one billion yen to supply medical supplies and equipment to Mongolia in the 2020 financial year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The parties signed the Inter-Government Memorandum of Exchange on allowing grants on June 29, 2020 and the Agency Agreement was signed with the JICS organization. The implementation of the aid was organized on June 17, 2020.


The assistance will provide necessary equipment and ambulances for health protection and diagnostic treatment during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Technical cooperation


The technical cooperation agreement between the Government of Mongolia and Japan was signed on December 5, 2003.


Technical cooperation is dedicated to 3 main areas of activity: experts from the Japan International Cooperation Organization work in Mongolia within the framework of the ODA projects implemented by the Government; study and participate in experience sharing in Japan from Mongolia; and supply technical equipment. At present, a total of 24 projects, 2 development policy studies, long-term and short-term training, and consulting services are being implemented within the priority areas of cooperation.


Grassroots and food security assistance program


The program has been implemented in Mongolia since 1990. Currently, a total of 563 projects have been implemented. As for the program, the Embassy of Japan in Ulaanbaatar selects and implements the project in cooperation developing countries local governments, educational and health institutions.


Mongolia-Japan Economic Partnership agreement


The parties decided to establish an Economic Partnership Agreement within the framework of the Strategic Partnership between Mongolia and Japan in 2010. Subsequently, the experts of the relevant ministries and agencies of Mongolia concluded the agreement as a result of 7 stage negotiations with the Japanese side for about three years starting in 2012.


The agreement aims to increase trade, investment, and industrial value-added exports and foreign exchange income between the two countries, to reduce Japanese tariff and non-tariff barriers, facilitate trade and simplify customs clearance.


The Mongolia-Japan Special Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity (2022-2031) has been established for 10 years during the high-level visit of Mongolian President U. Khurelsukh to Japan. It is stated that "while strengthening the "people-centered" relations and cooperation in all sectors, we will strive to contribute to solving the problems facing the world" in the joint statement issued due to the official negotiations during the visit.


The Joint consultative meeting between Mongolia and Japan public and private sectors


The Mongolia- Japan joint consultation meeting with the government and private sectors was held on November 30, 2022 in Tokyo, Japan.


The consultative meeting was chaired by Khurelbaatar Ch. Minister of Economy and Development from the Mongolian side and Sh. Nakatani Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade and Industry from the Japanese side. It was highlighted that the consultation meeting was held within the framework of the high-level visit of Mongolian President U. Khurelsukh to Japan.


U. Khurelsukh, the President of Mongolia, said in his opening speech, “It will play an important role in strengthening cooperation when the relations between the two countries have been developed to the level of a strategic partner. The Economic Partnership Agreement and the new "Special Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity" action program has been established, which will further promote the common interests and mutual trust of the people of the two countries, including entrepreneurs. More than 1 billion US dollars have been directly invested from Japan to Mongolia in trade, catering, mining, banking, tourism, construction and information technology over the past 30 years. The trade turnover between the two countries is estimated at 500 million US dollars by 2021.


Ch. Khurelbaatar, Minister of Economy and Development, said in his speech According to foreign direct investment statistics, since 1990, 60 percent of the total direct investment from Japan has been 1.5 billion US dollars since 2016, when the Economic Partnership Agreement came into force. Japanese enterprises accounted for 4% of our foreign direct investment, ranking 7th out of 112 countries. The Government of Mongolia is paying special


attention to improving the investment and business environment: firstly, to improve the legal environment; and secondly, to protect the interests of investors and entrepreneurs, and thirdly, to implement comprehensive reforms in digitalizing and enhancing the government operation. The Government of Mongolia is paying particular attention to protecting foreign investors legal interests. The Government resolution was issued to resolve the complaints filed by foreign investors, which have not been resolved since 2019, on November 24. Within the resolution framework, relevant measures have been taken in accordance with the complaints filed by some Japanese-invested enterprises, and the directions for solving without causing any damage to the investors are being submitted to the relevant institutions.”


At a joint public-private consultation X meeting, the following presentations were presented. Opinions were shared: from the Mongolian side, the Ministry of Economy and Development "Current economic situation of Mongolia, opportunities for cooperation and investment", "MAK" LLC "Hydrogen production and by-product processing plant project", National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mongolia "Opportunity to increase Mongolian exports to the Japanese market" and from the Japanese side, the Ministry of Energy "Cooperation on Energy Resources, Hydrogen and Refined Coal", JICA "About IT, ICT, Startups in Mongolia" Japan-Mongolia Economic Committee "Recommendations on Japanese Companies' Activities and Further Development in Mongolia."


The consultation meeting established a memorandum of cooperation with the following enterprises:

Established Documents

By Mongolian side

By Japanese side


General agreement on cooperation in the hydrogen production and by-product processing plant project

Mongolian Gold Corporation. G. Tsogt, secretary of the working group

- UNICO (Unico International Corporation)

- ORICON (Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd)

- Mitsui &Co., Ltd


Memorandum on the human resources preparation in the space technology sector in Japan and the joint development of satellite technology

Ondoo Space LLC

Executive Director

Kyushu University of Technology


Agreement on the Regulation of Health Care Organizations and Business Activities in Japan

Sapphire Pharmacy


Soken Kyokai Co., Ltd


Memorandum on the meat export from Mongolia to Japan

New Progress Group President S. Baljinnyam

  • Orgonikh company

     President Takashi Yamaguchi

- Gurumen Kurushin campaign

     President Tamotsu Kurita

Central Express Line Company

President D. Otgonbaatar


Agreement on the purchase of food industry equipment

Uguuj LLC

Director Tumengerel S

-  Morikawa Food Machinery. Mr. Naoi

-  MASDAC  Food Manufacturing Service

   Company. Mr. ISHGAKI

-  ARIMA JAPAN Co., Ltd  Naran


Agreement on Representatives

Monsertf LLC

Executive Director G. Bilguun

Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA)


The Japanese side requested on "solve the problems faced by businessmen in Mongolia and measures to be taken by the Mongolian government " at the joint public-private consultation meeting. To attract foreign direct investment and create a favorable investment environment in Mongolia, the Government of Mongolia approved Resolution No. 413 "On Some Measures to be Taken to Resolve Complaints of Foreign Investors" in 2022.



“Clean energy project to improve energy supply in Mongolia”  


B. Javkhlan the Minister of Finance, from the Mongolian side and Y. Hayashi the Minister of Foreign Affairs , H. Kobayashi, Ambassador of Embassy of Japan to Mongolia from the Japanese side discussed and signed the "Project to Improve Mongolia's Energy Supply" to develop energy security, renewable energy and its accumulationbduring the high-level visit of Mongolian President U. Khurelsukh to Japan.


About project:


In 2017, in the framework of cooperation between Mongolia and Japan, a "10MW solar power plant" was built and put into operation in Darkhan. The solar power plant has the capacity to produce 15.2 million kWh of energy per year, however during the peak load period, i.e. winter, after 5 pm, the power source cannot be supplied to the power system of the central region, so it has to import electricity from Russia at a high price.


In this regard, 100-300MW of electricity is imported at peak times and the excess electricity is exported back to Russia free of charge to stabilize the power grid.


In order to solve these problems, the "Project to improve the energy supply of Mongolia" will be implemented with the funding of 2 billion yen non-refundable aid from the Government of Japan.


In this way, storage batteries and related facilities will be installed at the Darkhan substation, which provides energy to Darkhan, Erdenet, and Ulaanbaatar, which are the pillars of Mongolia's economy. It will reduce maximum use of current electricity, including renewable energy, ensuring stability, supply of electricity, and reverse export of excess electricity to Russia (20-70 MWh/day).



Project amount

2 billion yen


Implemention period

2022-2025 Between



Storage battery (24 MWh), PCS (Power Conditioning System), direct AC converter, switching equipment, monitoring and control system, training etc.



  • "FAR VISION-2050" Mongolia's long-term development policy
  • New revival policy objectives 2.1
  • "State Energy Policy" document approved by the Government of Mongolia in 2015
  • "Nationally Determined Contribution Targets for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement" Resolution of the Government of Mongolia in 2019
  • "Project to ensure and improve the stability of the energy system for the integration of renewable energy" of the Japan International Cooperation Organization


Private sector partnership


A brief summary of Japan's major investments in Mongolia:


- The Sumitomo Corporation first introduced telecommunications telephone services to Mongolia, and now the "Mobicom" corporation covers all parts of Mongolia and serves as a marketplace for users. With the corporation's investment, the Transvest Mongolia XXC is launching an official computer operation in Mongolia with the capacity to supply Komatsu's mining, road construction equipment, and warranty equipment and components directly from the factory.



Many companies with Japanese investment, such as Itochu, Monnis, Eternal-Hada, Five-Bogg,  Nimon, and so on, operate automobile sales and maintenance.


Major Japanese retail corporations and banking institutions are also opening their representative locations and branches and operating.  Currently, 670 Japanese investment companies and industrial units operate in Mongolia.

The majority of imported goods include cabbage, lobster products, honey, and domestic pet dog food, and the vast majority of imported goods such as seating and truck cars, public transportation and white rice, compound fabrics, food products, and household goods.

Half of the $1.111.4 billion invested in our country from Japan since 1990 is in the trade and public food sectors, with investments also targeted at banks, finance, tourism, construction, and information technology sectors. As of June 2021, an investment sum total was $58 million. More than 670 Japanese investment companies are registered.


                        Mongolia, Japan Trade Performance / U.S./



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By the end of 2022, the flow of trade between the two countries had reached $689.4 million, an increase of 45.4 percent compared to the same period the previous year. Our country's exports to Japan amounted to $15.2 million and imports to $674.2 million.


Business forums

Business forums and seminars have been organized by governmental and private institutions as well as with Japan's JETRO, JAICA, CAYDANREN, and Japan Economic Committee.

on November 30, 2022, the "Mongolian, Japanese Business " was organized with JETRO in Tokyo. The forum included more than 60 representatives from 36 industrial entities from Mongolia and 150 representatives from Japanese companies such as Itochu, Marubeni, and Mitsubishi. During the business forum, the two countries' private entities voiced their opinion in regard to the increase of bilateral trade, increasing Japanese investment in Mongolia, and cooperation.

The recent business forum included units from Mongolia, including information technology units. One outstanding example of the trend toward deepening cooperation between the two countries information technology industries is that Mongolia's "Ono Space" XXC, together with  Japanese importers,  would work with the Kyushu University of Technology to launch a satellite.

It also attracted about $3 million in investment from Japan as a result of an information technology business forum organized  in 2019. Further business forums and meetings are being planned on a regular basis to boost exports, including increasing non-mining exports and promoting investment.

It is important to improve the legal environment in attracting investment from foreign countries, and the terms of investment that are tied to the economic situation of foreign countries are required.





Diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan were established in 1972, and the Cultural Agreement was signed two years later in 1974. Since then, the cultural and educational relations between the two countries have significantly strengthened and are expanding every year.


As of January 2023, 3,453 Mongolian students are studying in Japan, and more than 150 students are studying with the scholarship program of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Japan. Out of these, more than 250 students are studying for doctoral degrees.


According to the cultural agreement between Mongolia and Japan in 1974, the first scholarship student from Mongolia was sent to Japan in 1976, and until the end of year 2022, a total of 1,783 people have studied with the scholarship program of the Japanese government.


To name but a few, the "Monbusho" program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, "JICE Scholarship Program for Human Resource Development", "1000 Engineers Program to Support Higher Education in Engineering and Technology", "Sakura" for middle and high school in science and technology Projects implemented in schools are the scholarships that are being currently implemented. The "Engineering and Technology Higher Education Project" aimed at training human resources with high knowledge of engineering and technology and practical experience in the industrial sector is being successfully implemented, and "Kosen" School of Design in Mongolia is leading in the region. In 2022, 4 students came as interns within the framework of the Kosen project, and it differs by coming with a contract for further work. So far, 350 people from our government and private sectors have participated in the "Human Resource Development Scholarship Program" /JDS/, and as of December 2022, 36 people are studying for a master's degree and 4 for a doctorate. Also, 1 student from Mongolia studied under the bachelor's degree within the framework of the cooperation memorandum between the Embassy and the "APU" University.


As part of the plan for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan, planned since 5 years ago and initiated by the Embassy of Mongolia in Japan, the historic performance of the Morin Khuur Ensemble, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan, was held on the 30th November, 2022 at NHK Hall of Shibuya district, Tokyo.  The full orchestra members’ performance of the Mongolian Morin Khuur Ensemble in Japan coincided with the official visit of the President of Mongolia. Playing in this hall, which can hold a total of 3,400 spectators for a single performance, was a rare opportunity to perform traditional morin khuur tunes on one of the few world-famous stages. After the concert, they continued to tour 12 prefectures and cities in Japan, successfully introducing  the wonders of Mongolian music to the local people.


In addition, as part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary, among the major activities carried out in 2022, to support the establishment of the "Chinggis Khan" museum of cultural heritage and historical items, replicas of 2 cultural heritages of Mongolia that were kept in Japan were received from the relevant organizations and handed over to Mongolia. The "Chinggis Khan Museum", which opened on October 12, 2022, now has a replica of the exhibits, which are:


1. "The Mongols invasion of  Japan" painting narrative kept in the Imperial Office of Japan,


2. "Golden gerege" stored in Tenri Prefectural University Museum of Nara.


In addition to the cultural heritages mentioned above, the replica model of the Yuan Dynasty ship stored in the Archive Facility /Shiryokan/ in Takashima Village, Matsuura City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, was completed by "Gobi Support Japan" LLC by December 10th, 2022 and now we are working to deliver the model to the "Chingis Khan" museum.

In addition to the Activities plan approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia to celebrate the 50th anniversary, there are several other projects that has been initiated and completed by the Embassy of Mongolia in Japan:


  1. Conducted speech about Mongolia to more than 2,000 students and 40 teachers from 45 primary and secondary schools in Japan in cooperation with host towns and cultural ambassadors as part of events organized by the Embassy as part of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan. During the performance "Discovering the world through art" on Japan's Culture Day, we made a speech about political, economic and social issues of Mongolia to more than 100 Japanese citizens.


  1.  In the framework of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan, at the initiative of the Embassy of Mongolia in Japan, Japan Post Company issued a total of 10 different types of commemorative stamps, and the stamp acceptance ceremony was held on June 15th at the Embassy in Tokyo.


  1. The Embassy organized a hand drawing competition among Japanese elementary and secondary school students on the theme "Mongolia I know", and a total of 89 children submitted their works. The award ceremony for the winners of the works was held at the Embassy on June 20, 2022.


  1. A total of 18 talks by the Ambassador of Mongolia were held on Mongolia's politics, economy, culture, education, business life, and society at Japanese universities such as Oberlin, Aoyama, Waseda, local governments, and tourism companies.



On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan, a celebratory reception was held at the Embassy on February 24th, 2022. At the event, the Prime Ministers of the two countries delivered video greetings, and more than 70 guests have participated, including M. Hayashi, Chairman of the Japan-Mongolia Friendship Group in the House of Representatives of the Japanese Parliament, N. Yamaguchi, Chairman of the Komei Party of Japan, I. Aisawa, a member of the House of Representatives of the Parliament, Deputy Minister of Forest, Fisheries and Agriculture A. Takebe, Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs T. Suzuki, and Sh. Miyake.


In addition to these, a total of 21 events were held in Japan as part of the 50th anniversary such as the exhibition "Photography and Storytelling, Mongolia 100 Years Ago and Now", Japan-Mongolia Research Symposium organized at Oberlin University, Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia’s joint seminar with the team of the "1000 Engineers MJEED" project, and the Embassy worked as supporting organization.


Consular relations


According to the Statistics of Japan released as of June 30, 2022, there are 15,214 citizens of Mongolia between the ages of 0 and 80 residing in Japan. This number was 16 people in 1984, 246 in 1994, 3456 in 2004, 6160 in 2014, 12797 in 2019, and 13504 in 2020.


Among the citizens, there are 3453 students / 22.6 percent /, 2662 trainee workers / 17.4 percent /, 2516 /16.5 percent/ residents with work visas, and 3039 /19.9 percent/ their family members, totaling 11670 people, which is 76.7 of the total number of citizens.  There are 11,037 young people of 19-40 years of study and working age, which is 72.5 percent of the total number of citizens. In terms of gender, 48 percent (7371 people) are men, and 52 percent (7843 people) are women. More than 440 couples have registered their families.


Mongolian citizens live in large numbers in the 6 prefectures of the Kanto region surrounding Tokyo and in large cities with a population of more than 2 million, such as Nagoya, Yokohama, Osaka, and Fukuoka, specifically 3526 in Tokyo, 1857 in Saitama, 1381 in Kanagawa, 857 in Aichi, 523 in Osaka, 520 citizens live in Hokkaido, 459 in Ibaraki, 385 in Gunma, and 282 in Fukuoka.


In terms of short-term passengers, 21,408 in 2016, 23,365 in 2017, 27,647 in 2018, 31,513 in 2019 (out of which 17,258 were tourists, 3,981 for business purposes, 10,276 for other purposes) 7,118 in 2020, and 1,685 in 2021. About 60 percent of them are tourists, 20-25 percent are passengers invited by relatives living in Japan, and 15-20 percent are passengers for business purposes.


The number of citizens living and working in Japan has increased significantly since 2015, when economic growth slowed down in Mongolia, and after the growth stopped temporarily during the spread of the coronavirus, it is expected to increase again from the end of 2022. As the number of long-term Mongolians living in Japan increases, the work load to protect the interests of citizens, such as providing public services, improving social security, spreading native language and culture to their children, and providing legal assistance to criminals is increasing.


For example, in 2020, when the spread of the Coronavirus-19 began, 2,567 citizens who expressed their request to return to their homeland in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, State Emergency Commission and "MIAT" JSC were returned to their homeland by 13 special duty flights. Also, we would like to extend our gratitude to those who acted upon the appeal to the Mongolian citizens living in Japan to provide assistance to some citizens who have no income or housing until their return, kind-hearted people have donated, provided voluntary assistance, provided food and drink, and provided them with temporary accommodation.


The Embassy of Japan is located in Tokyo, the Consulate General in Osaka, and Honorary Consulates of Mongolia are appointed in Hokkaido, Niigata, Kanagawa, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Tokushima prefectures. An honorary consulate in charge of the Hokuriku region is planned to open in Toyama Prefecture this year.


Mongolian citizens living in Japan have established about 10 non-governmental organizations in order to exchange information, support and help each other, participate in Mongolian-Japanese relations, and contribute to the prosperity of Mongolia. For example: "United Association of Mongolian Citizens in Japan", Association of Mongolian Students in Japan - YAMOH, Association of Doctors in Japan, Association of Mongolians in Niigata, Association of Mongolians in Hokkaido / Association of Mongolians in Kansai Region /KaMon/ NGO, Supporting Mongolia-Kansai Economic and Government Relations The community and "Minii Mongol" elementary school are a few to be mentioned.


In connection with the expansion of consular relations, we organized the first Consular Consultative meeting between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries on October 13th, 2022.